3 Key Nutrients to Take If You Drink Alcohol

By Wellness Resources

December 21, 2018

3 Key Nutrients to Take If You Drink Alcohol
The holidays are full of celebrating! With this comes the potential to drink more. Alcohol depletes some certain nutrients, so be sure to protect your health and help your body clear toxins. Here’s to a happy and healthy holiday season!

1. Zinc – Zinc is a critical mineral for many functions in the body including immunity, reproductive health, balance, thyroid health, and more. Alcohol causes water-soluble nutrients to get flushed out of the body, and zinc is one of those nutrients often depleted while drinking. Zinc increases the enzyme that clears alcohol out of the body and helps to protect the liver.

2. Pantethine – Pantethine helps clear aldehydes, the waste products of alcohol consumption. Aldehydes are the cause of brain fog and a hung-over feeling that can occur after consuming alcohol. Pantethine is a great supplement to take before consuming alcohol and again in the morning to help mental energy. Keep in mind, this doesn’t give you a green light to binge drink. But, it’s a way to help you clear toxins from the brain and support your adrenals so you feel better the next day!

3. Silymarin – Silymarin (milk thistle) is a flavonoid herb that is especially protective of the liver, kidneys, and brain. Silymarin has historically been used around the world as a tonic for the liver.

We include silymarin in Daily Detoxify, our top liver support formula for daily toxin clearance. We also formulated a new supplement this year, called Preparty, designed to replenish nutrients depleted by alcohol consumption and support liver health. Preparty includes all three of the nutrients listed above.*

Parties, happy hours and celebrations are oh-so-common during the Holidays. If you like to enjoy a drink or two, make sure you are protecting your nervous system and liver from the effects of alcohol. Keep it the happiest season of all and enjoy responsibly!

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